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3 Working With Other Programs

3.1 Introduction

The Contact Manager should fully integrate with a number of external programs. At the time of writing, Voyager, AmIRC, Micrdot-II AmFTP, STFax Professional (v3.3+), DOpus Magellan and IBrowse (needs v1.21+) should support the manager.

The integration works in various ways:
Microdot-IIYou can use the Contact Manager as a direct addressbook replacement. For instance when writing a new message, if you click on to: or cc: the Contact Manager will be launched. You can then double-click on an entry, the email address will be sent to Microdot-II and the Contact Manager will close, just as the normal internal addressbook.

You can also multi-select entries. Click on to: or cc: again, the Contact Manager will start, then shift and highlight the users you want to send to Microdot-II and then double-click the last user from this selected list.

Microdot-II also allows you to add email addresses to the Contact Manager.

VoyagerAllows you to use the Contact Manager as a replacement for the internal bookmarks. Click on BM on the main window and the Contact Manager will start. Double-click on a web site from the list and the Contact Manager will close and the web site will be sent to Voyager.

Voyager also allows you to 'Add' URL's (web or ftp addresses) to the Contact Manager, rather than the internal bookmarks. Simply press the 'Add' button on the main window.

AmIRCAllows you to send URL's to the Contact Manager. AmIRC 'grabs' URL's that appear within the main window, or chat windows, and stores them in an internal URL grabber window. If you go to this window you are able to send one or more of these URL's to the Contact Manager. These URL's will be sent silently, without the need to open the Contact Manager.

You can also use the Contact Manager to join another channel. Goto the chat section, click on an entry and then use the RMB menu to 'join channel'.

AmFTPAllows you to use the Contact Manager as a replacement for the internal server window. When you are within AmFTP click on 'connect' and the Contact Manager will be started, double-click an FTP entry and AmFTP will go to this FTP server and the Contact Manager will close.
STFax ProAllows you to select a fax number from the users list when sending a fax. Go to send a fax , click on the phonebook button, the Contact Manager will appear. Double-click on an entry, the fax number should be sent to STFax Professional and the Contact Manager should close.

You can also send phone numbers to STFax Professional, and use your modem as a telephone or a speed dialer (picking up the handset when you hear the ringing). You can send a mobile number to STFax Pro and have it dial this, rather than a phone number.

Like Microdot-II, you should be able to multi-select entries using the shift key, double-click on the last entry and then send all these numbers to STFax Pro.

IBrowseAllows you to use the Contact Manager as a replacement for the internal bookmarks. Click on drop down menu on the main window (next to the 'Add' button) and the Contact Manager will start. Double-click on a web site from the list and the Contact Manager will close and the web site will be sent to IBrowse.

IBrowse also allows you to 'Add' URL's (web or ftp addresses) to the Contact Manager, rather than the internal bookmarks. Simply press the 'Add' button on the main window.

DOpus MagellanYou can use the Contact Manager to open an FTP lister within a normal list. Make sure you have Default FTP target ticked within the preferences, then you are able to double-click on an FTP entry, Contact Manager should close and DOpus should open and connect to that FTP site. You can also use the RMB menu to open a DOpus FTP lister, but Contact Manager will stay open.

You can setup the Contact Manager to open a local lister window, as well as the remote FTP list. You configure this within the FTP entry window.

Note that you may have to select to use the Contact Manager from an option within these programs. For instance there is an option within Voyager that allows you to "Use Contact Manager" rather than the internal bookmarks. When you then add URL's to your bookmarks you will really being adding the URL's directly to the Contact Manager.

3.2 Importing Old Information

The Contact Manager allows you to import from a number of existing Amiga applications:

Simply go to the options menu and to the import sub-menu. A requestor will appear where you can choose the address/phonebook or bookmarks.

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